Love Hurts

Love Hurts

yeah yeah (thats a joke hehe)

How do you get over lose, how do you get over heartbreak?  These are silly questions because I'm sure we all know the answers, the way to get over it is to simply get over it.  Stop thinking about that person and move on, but we all know thats not that simple right.  As you may have assumed I had my first real break up with someone, and I wanted to write about it when I got over it but Im too impatient.  So here is me writing about a breakup that I'm still crying about at night.  Some days I'm very very sad she days Im really angry and some days I don't think about him at all.  He was my first real boyfriend I spent almost every day with him for the past year and a half and talking to him every day. Ive had a hard time figuring out who I am because over that course of time you turn into the other person.
  Walking away from the relationship I relaxed just how unhealthy it was, and that was very very difficult to come to the realization of.  Ive spent the last month texting him getting no response at all, knowing Im not going to get a response.  Ive spent the last month crying myself to sleep, crying to my mom about how I wish I could skip the days where I mourn over him because I want to be over him.
 Im not over him and its really hard to think about him still, but Ive been preoccupying myself with other things.  thats something everyone tells you to do, do other things to take your mind of them.  This was hard for me because I would go days not thinking  about him being so busy and then at 9 at night there he was looming in my thoughts.  I compared myself to other girls around e that were I still am.
If you can relate to this at all that would be great, I would ask for advice but I know what I need to do.  the worst thing is about the whole thing (well theres a few) I have no idea what changed in one day, and Im still very much in love with him.  Thats sucks. But I know things get better and Im "working on myself' (in quotes because its so cheesy and everyone says it, but its true).
Lots of love
Ps- go check out my spotify and listen to my SAD:))) playlist
my user is-alynch167


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