Doing Things You Hate

Doing Things You Hate

No when I say this I don't mean emptying the dishwasher when you don't want to I mean you doing and saying things that you look back on and go why would you do that.  Yeah, I have many times and my most recent one as a boy.  Not just any boy wobbly the only boy Ive ever really loved and I'm still in love with but he's horrible.  This boy has powers I swear he knows exactly what to say to make me feel like shit he knows just what to say to make me go into full panic mode.  Ive gone back to this boy over and over and over again for the past two years, overtime knowing fully well that i shouldn't. Please tell me I'm not the only one please tell me that there are other people who do things they know that will only hurt them in the end but still do them.
Please tell me why we do this things, and how to stop.  I swear I don't know any better.  I know someone can treat me right and I know in the ed that everything happens for a reason but right now at my lowest i can't see that.  I don't understand why certain people cant just understand the other and for things out.  I've ever understand how certain people  really couldn't get along until now.  certain people are just bound to not be able to be together  When one person loves to talk when there stressed out and the other likes to not talk at all that just can't work.
Please let me know if I should be seeking serious help (haha.. but not really) or not.  This post is written about 2 mins after the breakup ad being blocked on everything so might read these feelings later and laugh, I hope so.  Please don't go back to him, for your own good.


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