Coming To Terms

Coming To Terms 

Growing up you meet a lot of different people and you son realize that some people live harder lives than others.  Some of my best friends lived and continue to live lives that you would neve even realize.  That’s something I’ve come to realize, everyone has ups and downs and I’ve also realized that I tend to be better fiends with people who have gone brought hard times.  Recently I went through a very rough time, for myself at least. Now looking back because it was only a few days ago I really am able to see who my friends are and who are the people that have a genuine interest in my life.
What happened the other night, that I still have yet to come to terms with and once I do I will wore about it, it scared me.  I say this in as much as a positive way as I can but I’ve never felt so low. When I came out and I knew I needed people by my side and although I still haven’t told some of my friends what happened they have yet to even ask anything about anyhrjdn that’s happened the past few days. In the past week alone I did a crazy volunteer job, wen to gov ball, and had the shittiest night of my life but still there are fiends who have yet to reach you to me.
I know it’s incredibky corny to say you know who your fiends are after such an event but it’s true.  It really does suck having Apple in your life that pester you about asking questions about there life yet don’t bother maid an effort to care about your life. There are people in my life now that I really don’t want to be just because it takes so much effort to constantly ask questions and care about someone when they never seem to resprocate that.
Some people are meant to stay in your life and others aren’t and after such recent events I’ve rwIed some people will care about what’s going on in your life and others won’t. If you feel run down by someone why do you keep them in your life.  Some pope mans relationships are toxic and in the end will having you feel worse about yourself than better. I love my friends and family and the ones that have stuck around and have been there for me have only made me realize how important they really are in my life.  I will forever be grateful for those people, thank you if you’re one of them!<3
ps-I know I’m the only one reading this at this point but if you ever feel stuck, sad, or really any emotion please talk to someone I’m here.


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